When Nathan Ford, a former insurance company investigator, is approached by a...
Season 1 Episodes:
Corporal Robert Perry, an Army reservist who fought in Iraq, was severely inj...
After a Wall Street broker sets fire to his stable - killing his underachievi...
The team helps an old friend of Nate's, now a priest, save his church from th...
While Nate and Sophie try to con a corrupt Judge, they are taken hostage duri...
A job where the team tries to recover a war orphan for a grieving couple hits...
A job for the wife of a wrongly-jailed restaurateur lands the team between th...
The team traces incriminating evidence about a corporation's misdeeds to two ...
Nate complicates a simple con regarding a sleazy contractor and the recovery ...
When the team cons an addicted embezzler into entering rehab, Nate confronts ...
When one of Parker's aliases receives jury duty, Nate forces her to go, resul...
The team goes after the CEO of Nate's former insurance company, responsible f...
In order to take down his former boss, Nate must reunite the splintered team ...
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