Hunter's nemesis, a killer named Bluebird, returns, leaving a toll of victims...
Season 1 Episode 3: The Lysenko Syndrome
A plot to assassinate an Admiral involves brainwashing Marty. And also involves Hunter getting killed.
A plot to assassinate an Admiral involves brainwashing Marty. And also involves Hunter getting killed.
Hunter's nemesis, a killer named Bluebird, returns, leaving a toll of victims...
A Russian agent who is a double for Marty must fool Hunter in order to carry ...
A plot to assassinate an Admiral involves brainwashing Marty. And also involv...
A professional killer dies during a car chase. Hunter assumes the man's ident...
A witness testifying before a Senate committee investigating ties between org...
Hunter and the agency try to find out who killed an East German spy at an L.A...
Hunter, Marty and Baker set out to stop renegade American agents from assassi...
Hunter is assigned to aid with a spy exchange involving a veteran spy who was...
While escorting a Chinese defector to a safe house, an American agent disappe...
A file that is meant to only be seen by the President turns up missing. A sha...
A file that is meant to only be seen by the President turns up missing. A sha...
In the next episode, Hunter assumes a new identity to gather intel on a radic...