1. Valentine's Day in Jail Aired: Mar 21, 2002 A woman visits her inmate boyfriend in prison on Valentine's Day. He surprise...
2. Six Days Aired: Mar 21, 2002 A bitter married woman, whose much older farmer husband has to stay in hospit...
3. Guys and Dolls Aired: Mar 21, 2002 Stressed out corporate lawyer is mistaken for a high class prostitute by a ch...
4. The Value of X Aired: Mar 21, 2002 Jeanette is a closeted, sexually confused high school senior in love with her...
5. Voice Aired: Mar 28, 2002 A female photographer is somehow being haunted and seduced by her lover's ver...
6. Leaper Aired: Apr 4, 2002 Young insecure author, Julie, meets dominant older publisher Diane. They witn...
7. In Praise of Drunkenness and Fornication Aired: Apr 11, 2002 Middle aged couple invites an older and a younger couple for dinner at their ...
8. The Footpath of Pink Roses Aired: Apr 18, 2002 A tough young woman takes up martial arts to make sure she can protect hersel...