In the year 2099, a sequel to the sci-fi romance Virgin Hunters takes place. Mega-conglomerate Camella Swales, Supreme Commander of the World Alliance, has banned all forms of sex after being dissatisfied with her Lex 500 sex robot. The future is now a productive and serene place, but no one is experiencing intimacy. The government has added passion suppressants to the food, leaving the world full of virgins. The Alterrians, an erotic race of virgin hunters, arrive on Earth with a mission to indulge in their desires, despite the sex ban. They team up with Beth, a human companion and nymph-in-training, to embark on an orgasmic quest.
Virgin Hunters 2
In the year 2099, a sequel to the sci-fi erotic thriller Virgin Hunters unfolds. Camella Swales, a powerful CEO and Supreme Commander of the World Alliance, is dissatisfied with her Lex 500 sex robot and bans all forms of pleasure outside of her corporation.