The story revolves around an East End of London A.F.S. unit's journey to prove themselves during World War II. The film begins with a couple, Bob and Nan, who are eager to get married but have their plans disrupted by the war. Bob joins the A.F.S. and faces challenges from the regular firemen, who despise them. The A.F.S. boys, including Bob's friends Tommy, a kennelman, and Sam, a petty thief, must navigate their relationships and personalities while working together to become a cohesive team. Subplots include a romance between Tommy and Ted, a feud between Sam and the local police, and Bob and Nan's struggles to get married and start a family. The story culminates in the Blitz of September 1940, where the A.F.S. boys, including Bob, Tommy, and Sam, risk their lives to save others. The film ends with the christening of Bob's baby, named Tommy in honor of the heroic kennelman.
The Bells Go Down
Tommy Trinder portrays a serious role in this film, honoring the bravery of the Auxiliary Fire Service, a group of courageous individuals who fought to contain the devastating fires in London during World War II.