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Slime City

In this horror classic, a young student discovers a mysterious and dilapidated apartment building in New York City, where he is drawn to the enigmatic and eccentric neighbors who claim to have created a peculiar concoction they refer to as "wine". After tasting the substance, the studen...

In the film Slime City, Alex, an art student, rents an apartment from Lizzie to impress his girlfriend Lori. However, things take a dark turn when he becomes addicted to a mysterious substance that causes him to transform into a slimy, monstrous creature. As his body is taken over by the spirit of Lizzie's dead father, Zachary, Alex's relationships with Lori and his friends begin to deteriorate. The film builds towards a violent and supernatural climax as Alex struggles to regain control of his body and save himself from Zachary's hostile takeover.

Info about Slime City

Studio(s): Bare Bones Productions

Originally Released: United States, May 13, 1988

Production Country: United States

Budget: $50,000.00


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