Killjoy, a demon of vengeance, trickster god, and killer clown, arrives on Earth with his gruesome crew. Initially, they terrorize mortals in new ways, but Killjoy soon discovers life on Earth is a drag due to inconveniences and his crew leaving for other jobs. To redeem himself, Beelzebub sends a spaceship to trap Killjoy's spirit. Meanwhile, Killjoy starts a web series and runs a movie and merchandise company. However, Beelzebub's assassins appear, and Killjoy must reunite his gang to defeat them in an epic battle.
Killjoy's Psycho Circus
Killjoy, a malevolent demon, trickster god, and killer clown, has arrived on Earth, bringing with him his gruesome entourage, including Freakshow, Punchy, and the seductive and unstable Batty Boop.