F.A.R.T. The Movie background

F.A.R.T. The Movie

The comedy film revolves around Russell, a man with two intense passions: television and flatulence. His life becomes complicated when he falls for Heather, who despises his gassy habits. As their relationship evolves, Heather issues a stern warning: if Russell's flatulence ever makes it ont...

A man's dual passions for TV and flatulence are put to the test when his girlfriend forbids him from ever leaving the house if farting is allowed on television. One fateful night, his worst nightmare comes true as every TV show and broadcast becomes centered around flatulence.

Info about F.A.R.T. The Movie

Studio(s): Golden West Films

Originally Released: United States, May 01, 1991

Production Country: United States

Budget: $43,000.00
