Seventeen years after the original events, a troubled young man, Choi Sung-hoon, finds himself in a life of petty crime, fueled by a tumultuous childhood. His mother, desperate for a way out, begs Lee Jeong-suk, a fellow inmate and childhood friend of Choi Sung-hoon's father, to take her son under his wing. As Lee Jeong-suk's influence takes hold, Choi Sung-hoon is drawn to his mentor, but the truth about Lee Jeong-suk's past imprisonment threatens to upend their fragile bond.
Chingu 2
Seventeen years after the original events, Lee Han Dong's son, Choi Sung-hoon, has grown up in a troubled environment, resorting to petty crime and ultimately landing in the same prison where Lee Jeong-suk is serving his time.