1. Space Explorers Captured
Aired: Sep 10, 1984A team of elite pilots embarks on a mission to Planet Arus to unravel the mys...
2. Escape to Another Planet
Aired: Sep 11, 1984The space explorers embark on a quest to revive Voltron, starting with their ...
3. A Ghost and Four Keys
Aired: Sep 12, 1984The heroes, Keith, Lance, Sven, Hunk, and Pidge, seek Princess Allura's assis...
4. The Missing Key
Aired: Sep 13, 1984The team discovers the secret to unlocking the Black Lion's true potential ju...
5. Princess Joins Up
Aired: Sep 14, 1984Keith and his team embark on a mission to find brave civilians on Planet Arus...
6. The Right Arm of Voltron
Aired: Sep 17, 1984The Voltron Force, in a moment of kindness, is distributing food to the needy...
7. The Lion Has New Claws
Aired: Sep 18, 1984Allura, inspired by the Voltron Force's bravery, decides to join their effort...
8. The Stolen Lion
Aired: Sep 26, 1984Prince Bocar's sudden appearance saves Princess Allura, making him a promisin...
9. A Pretty Spy
Aired: Sep 27, 1984Yurak's fleet destroys a spaceship above Arus, and Hunk saves the pilot, a yo...
10. Secret of the White Lion
Aired: Sep 28, 1984Iris, a teenager trained by Haggar as a deadly assassin, ventures out on her ...
11. Surrender
Aired: Oct 1, 1984The Voltron Force is captured by Yurak, who takes a village hostage, and a yo...
12. Bad Birthday Party
Aired: Oct 8, 1984Jai joins forces with Princess Allura and the Voltron Force to rescue his hom...
13. The Witch Gets a Facelift
Aired: Oct 12, 1984Princess Allura's Aunt Orla's unexpected visit to the Castle of Lions sparks ...
14. Yurak Gets His Pink Slip
Aired: Oct 2, 1984The Voltron Force celebrates their final victory over Yurak's fleet, only to ...
15. Give Me Your Princess
Aired: Oct 3, 1984Princess Allura's unauthorized attempt to pilot the Black Lion puts the entir...
16. Bridge Over the River Chozzerai
Aired: Oct 4, 1984The people of Arus commemorate the completion of a new bridge by reenacting a...
17. My Brother Is a Robeast
Aired: Nov 19, 1984Zarkon forges an alliance with King Cova of Pollux, a planet with a centuries...
18. Zarkon is Dying
Aired: Oct 5, 1984Lotor forms an alliance with Zandra, receiving a potion that can mutate plant...
19. The Buried Castle
Aired: Oct 16, 1984Three curious siblings stumble upon a mysterious castle and decide to embark ...
20. Pidge's Home Planet
Aired: Oct 25, 1984Pidge's home planet, Balto, is under attack by Zarkon and Lotor's forces, pro...
21. It'll be a Cold Day
Aired: Nov 21, 1984Romelle and her fellow captives make a daring escape from Lotor's prison, onl...
22. The Deadly Flowers
Aired: Oct 9, 1984The poisoned seeds sent by Haggar and Lotor to Arus grow into beautiful plant...
23. It Takes Real Lions
Aired: Jan 1, 1984As the next attack on Arus looms, Allura must prioritize royal duties, leavin...
24. Raid of the Alien Mice
Aired: Oct 11, 1984A mysterious group of small robots, disguised as rodents, infiltrate Arus, ca...
25. Short Run of the Centipede Express
Aired: Jan 1, 1984Zarkon is seen testing a mysterious weapon on Moura, a former ally of Arus no...
26. The Invisible Robeast
Aired: Oct 26, 1984The Voltron Force is ambushed by a powerful robot fighter granted invisibilit...
27. The Green Medusa
Aired: Jan 1, 1984The next episode will feature Lotor venturing to the toxic Planet Medusa to a...
28. The Treasure of Planet Tyrus
Aired: Oct 30, 1984Lotor celebrates his birthday on Tyrus, anticipating the arrival of a shipmen...
29. Magnetic Attraction
Aired: Nov 6, 1984The Robeast, created by Haggar, brings a devastating drought to Arus by exhal...
30. The Sleeping Princess
Aired: Oct 18, 1984Lotor is given a chance to choose his own destiny, and he surprisingly turns ...
31. The Sincerest Form of Flattery
Aired: Oct 31, 1984Lotor's attempt to seize Zarkon's power by defeating him in combat ends in fa...
32. A Transplant for Blue Lion
Aired: Nov 15, 1984The Blue Lion is destroyed, prompting Zarkon to urge Lotor to launch an immed...
33. Attack of the Fierce Frogs
Aired: Nov 8, 1984The evil Haggar unleashes a swarm of miniature-robots, disguised as tadpoles,...
34. Lotor Traps Pidge
Aired: Oct 25, 1984The next episode will feature a severe storm brought on by Lotor, prompting t...
35. Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics
Aired: Oct 29, 1984The Space Olympics are coming to Arus, and the planet's success is largely at...
36. Lotor's Clone
Aired: Nov 7, 1984Zarkon's frustration with Lotor's failures leads him to take personal control...
37. Lotor's New Hit Man
Aired: Nov 14, 1984During a visit to Lotor's former training academy, he and Zarkon narrowly avo...
38. Raid of the Red Berets
Aired: Nov 16, 1984Lotor unleashes a wave of terror on Arus by deploying Haggar's small, human-l...
39. The Captive Comet
Aired: Oct 22, 1984The Omega Comet, a destructive force, is taken control of by Haggar and aimed...
40. The Little Prince
Aired: Oct 23, 1984Bandor's efforts to contact the Voltron Force yield no response as he stays n...
41. There Will Be a Royal Wedding
Aired: Oct 24, 1984A young, wild-eyed man rescues Romelle from the Pit of Skulls, alerting her t...
42. The Sand People
Aired: Nov 5, 1984The next episode will feature Lotor establishing a stronghold on the Sand Pla...
43. Voltron Frees the Slaves
Aired: Nov 12, 1984Lotor is tasked with conquering a newly discovered planet, anticipating Voltr...
44. Voltron Versus Voltron
Aired: Nov 9, 1984The unclaimed planet of Yadle secedes from Zarkon's control and readies to ce...
45. One Princess to Another
Aired: Nov 20, 1984Zarkon's sinister plan unfolds as he prepares to harness a massive amount of ...
46. The Mighty Space Mouse
Aired: Nov 13, 1984Space mice prepare for their next battle against Haggar's blue cat, with Pidg...
47. Summit Meeting
Aired: Nov 22, 1984The leaders of five planets gather to form a united defense against Zarkon, b...
48. Return of Coran's Son
Aired: Nov 1, 1984A sudden crisis arises when Allura's communication with Chemara's moon Cryo i...
49. Coran's Son Runs Amok
Aired: Nov 2, 1984The Voltron Force strategically disengage from battle just as the Polsar Cano...
50. Zarkon Becomes a Robeast
Aired: Nov 23, 1984Zarkon's frustration boils over as he arrests Lotor for his string of defeats...
51. Lotor the King
Aired: Nov 26, 1984Voltron is on a mission to put an end to Zarkon's tyranny, as Lotor, now self...
52. Final Victory
Aired: Nov 27, 1984The Voltron Force and their allies gear up to take down Castle Doom, Lotor's ...