A group of young adventurers, led by Ana, embark on a treacherous journey, on...
Vale dos Esquecidos
A group of young adventurers gets lost in a mysterious village shrouded in perpetual fog.
A group of young adventurers gets lost in a mysterious village shrouded in perpetual fog.
A group of young adventurers, led by Ana, embark on a treacherous journey, on...
Concerned about Du's disappearance, the outsiders visit Irene's home, where t...
Ana takes matters into her own hands to rescue Du, while Alma's suspicions gr...
Next episode, Julius faces a crucial judgment from the council, while Fred's ...
Next episode, Bento faces unexpected consequences as he's taken into custody,...
In the next episode, Clara's quest to find her son leads her to a mysterious ...
In the next episode, a frantic search begins for Alma as Bento and Bruna scou...
The next episode delves into the mysterious past of the leader, guardian, and...
The group gathers for a mysterious dinner at the leader's house, only to unco...
The time for the ritual has finally arrived, and a thick mist envelops the va...