In the next episode, a team from Odyssey Marine Exploration embarks on a thri...
Treasure Quest
Season 1 Episode 8: Malta
The team at The Odyssey is hot on the trail of a 19th-century English paddlewheel steamer, known only as Malta.
The team at The Odyssey is hot on the trail of a 19th-century English paddlewheel steamer, known only as Malta.
In the next episode, a team from Odyssey Marine Exploration embarks on a thri...
The Odyssey Explorer crew uncovers a bronze ship's bell, a tantalizing clue i...
The team at Odyssey has uncovered a shipwreck they've dubbed "Legend", which ...
Odyssey uncovers dozens of rare brass cannons and significant clues at the "L...
The Odyssey team delves into a German U-boat and a World War I tanker.
Next episode, Dr. Axel Niestle, a renowned U-boat expert, utilizes cutting-ed...
The Odyssey team is commissioned by the American owner of the Lusitania to co...
The team at The Odyssey is hot on the trail of a 19th-century English paddlew...
Odyssey uncovers the secrets of U103, one of the most legendary U-boats in hi...
The Odyssey uncovers a long-lost cargo ship at the bottom of the sea, potenti...
As winter approaches, the Odyssey team focuses on locating one final wreck be...
The season finale culminates in a legal showdown in Spain, as the crew fights...
Current Status: Ended
Network: Discovery
Production Country: United States