Notwithstanding a threat on his life, Senator Hays Stowe is determined to del...
The Bold Ones: The Senator
Season 1 Episode 7: George Washington Told a Lie
A project Stowe sponsored is about to force Indians from their homes.
A project Stowe sponsored is about to force Indians from their homes.
Notwithstanding a threat on his life, Senator Hays Stowe is determined to del...
Senator Hays Stowe questions the mental abilities of powerful committee chair...
Political powerbroker George P. Mallon tests the integrity Senator Hays Stowe...
4. A Continual Roar of Musketry: Part 1
Aired: Nov 22, 1970Sen. Stowe chairs a commission that is investigating the shooting deaths of t...
5. A Continual Roar of Musketry: Part 2
Aired: Nov 29, 1970Fictional drama based on the National Guard shootings at Kent State University.
6. Some Day, They'll Elect a President
Aired: Jan 17, 1971When a memo by Jordan Boyle, Stowe's chief aide, get released and misinterpre...
7. George Washington Told a Lie
Aired: Feb 7, 1971A project Stowe sponsored is about to force Indians from their homes.
Senator Stowe has a bill that would increase welfare to the black community, ...
Main Cast
Guest Starring