The Carlins embark on a new chapter in their lives as they navigate the ups a...
South of Nowhere
Season 1 Episode 10: What Just Happened?
A series of pivotal events unfolds, forever altering the trajectory of the Carlin family's lives.
A series of pivotal events unfolds, forever altering the trajectory of the Carlin family's lives.
The Carlins embark on a new chapter in their lives as they navigate the ups a...
2. Friends, Lovers, Brothers, and Others
Aired: Nov 4, 2005The tension between Aiden and Spencer reaches a boiling point at Ashley's roc...
Ashley shares her concerns with Spencer that her new acquaintance might have ...
Clay's secret is out, and his friends and acquaintances can't help but offer ...
As a lockdown envelops the school, Spencer and Ashley seize the opportunity t...
The rivalry between Spencer and Ashley intensifies as they vie for Aiden's at...
Spencer's envy ignites when Ashley befriends someone new, while Clay's term p...
The Cali earthquake strikes, rattling the foundations of the Carlins' relatio...
The drama unfolds as Spencer and Aiden's date sparks intense feelings of betr...
A series of pivotal events unfolds, forever altering the trajectory of the Ca...
After nursing Ashley through a rough night, Ashley and Spencer are closer tha...
Main Cast
Guest Starring