Sixteen reality-show contestants arrive in a Siberian forest and quickly disc...
Season 1 Episodes:
A shocking announcement comes with the loss of another contestant, while thos...
The group have to pick up the pieces after a devastating fire. As some deal w...
A mysterious light appears in the Siberian night sky and seems to alter the i...
The intensity of the contest heats up as real and surreal events create anxie...
Johnny, Joyce and Daniel tell the others about the bloody scene they found at...
One contestant seems on the brink of insanity and needs to be restrained, whi...
A fast-moving and thick fog hampers efforts to find several contestants who m...
Carolina, Daniel, Sam and Johnny enjoy the comforts that the research station...
Neeko, Miljan and Sabina fear the worst after they are taken captive by a hos...
Season 1 ends with a reunion between the contestants after Evenki natives sho...
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