The show follows the lives of four friends - Wes, Tom-Tom, Vern, and Howie - as they navigate college, careers, and relationships from their shared houseboat.
We're introduced to the four main characters, Wes (Glenn Corbett),Tom-Tom (T...
Wes and Tom-Tom, two college friends, share a houseboat with musician Vern. They navigate relationships, jobs, and school, while Wes also takes on a mentorship role with his younger brother Howie.
The show follows the lives of four friends - Wes, Tom-Tom, Vern, and Howie - as they navigate college, careers, and relationships from their shared houseboat.
We're introduced to the four main characters, Wes (Glenn Corbett),Tom-Tom (T...
This show knits together the four leads. Surprisingly, Vern was not yet a mem...
3. Molly Pitcher and the Green Eyed Monster
Aired: Oct 1, 1962Free spirited college student/artist Nora (Anne Schuyler) is added to the cas...
Tom-Tom sets out to buy a car. In the process we're treated to series of laby...
Vern decides to get a tattoo in nearby Exeter which is a rough little town wh...
Indian Summer has come to Cordella. While everyone else is basking in the sun...
Tom-Tom, Vern and Howie go camping. Howie ends up lost and partly amnesiac. H...
8. The Bravest Man in Cordella
Aired: Nov 11, 1962Another brilliant show that serves as a showcase for Ted Bessel who gives a b...
9. The Man on the Second Floor
Aired: Nov 18, 1962This one features Howie, (Michael Burns),as he gets caught up in a tug of wa...
10. I Count My Life in Coffee Cups
Aired: Nov 25, 1962This one featuring southern born and bred guitar player Vern as he strikes up...
Tom-Tom is expelled from college for failing to take makeup exams. Frustrated...
The excellent opening captures the quintessence of the four guys as they set ...
Tom-Tom offers to return a book to the library for Wes. He spends the day wan...
This one features Michael Burns as Howie almost to the exclusion of the rest ...
What starts off as a seemingly lighthearted Saturday night, ends up a rather ...
Another show that falls with a resounding thud as Vern steps to the fore in a...
Wes decides to join the Cordella football team when he's offered a partial sc...
It's Louisville or bust! Tom-Tom, Vern, and Howie are headed for Louisville ...
The series finale was, unfortunately, a bit of a dud. Howie is again the cent...