The next episode of this series introduces a catastrophic conflict between hu...
Season 1 Episode 7
A rogue Elder, Gorga, embarks on a violent rampage, determined to claim The Gift for himself.
A rogue Elder, Gorga, embarks on a violent rampage, determined to claim The Gift for himself.
The next episode of this series introduces a catastrophic conflict between hu...
Pulled further into the mysterious Demit world, Sarah becomes increasingly un...
Barata is hunted by the Demit, who are determined to eliminate him.
Next episode, Demit Nadia's jealousy reaches a boiling point as she poisons S...
In the next episode, Barata makes a desperate attempt to thwart The Gift's im...
Barata introduces Sarah to the half-breed world, revealing that she is destin...
A rogue Elder, Gorga, embarks on a violent rampage, determined to claim The G...
The season one finale of the show sees Juragan expertly manipulating the situ...