1. Pilot
Aired: Sep 19, 1986The next episode of the crime drama series follows the Chicago Major Crime Un...
2. Final Transmission
Aired: Sep 19, 1986The Marvel Cinematic Universe is faced with its most urgent and perilous chal...
3. Shadow Dancer
Aired: Sep 20, 1986The investigation into a brutal home invasion murder case heats up as Lt. Tor...
4. St. Louis Book of Blues
Aired: Sep 27, 1986Luca sets his sights on dominating the St. Louis gambling scene, dispatching ...
5. The War
Aired: Sep 30, 1986Luca's gambling empire is abruptly disrupted, and Torello retaliates by inten...
6. Abrams for the Defense
Aired: Oct 7, 1986A female journalist joins forces with public defender Abrams to defend a man ...
7. Pursuit of a Wanted Felon
Aired: Oct 14, 1986Next episode, tensions rise as Detective Abrams' new relationship with Suzann...
8. Old Friends, Dead Ends
Aired: Oct 28, 1986Torello's world is turned upside down when he uncovers a shocking truth about...
9. Justice Hits the Skids
Aired: Nov 4, 1986Torello's anger over his friend's death fuels a personal vendetta against Hol...
10. For Love or Money
Aired: Nov 11, 1986As his marriage crumbles, Torrello embarks on a romantic affair with Inger Th...
11. Crime Pays
Aired: Dec 5, 1986Next episode: A thrilling recap of the journey so far, featuring all key plot...
12. Hide and Go Thief
Aired: Dec 12, 1986The next episode of the series sees a shocking turn of events as the MCU is f...
13. Strange Bedfellows
Aired: Dec 26, 1986Luca is indicted and Torello's boss sends him on a forced vacation, but Luca ...
14. Fatal Crossroads
Aired: Jan 9, 1987Mike's world turns upside down as he's indicted and manipulated by Luca to di...
15. Torello on Trial
Aired: Jan 16, 1987Torello's innocence hangs in the balance as he takes the stand in court, but ...
16. The Kingdom of Money
Aired: Jan 30, 1987The mob launches a takeover bid on Las Vegas casinos, prompting Abrams and To...
17. The Battle of Las Vegas
Aired: Feb 6, 1987A city-wide casino shutdown sparks chaos in Las Vegas as a powerful strike ga...
18. The Survivor
Aired: Feb 13, 1987Torrello becomes smitten with Lisa, Steve Altman's ex-wife, but their budding...
19. The Pinnacle
Aired: Feb 27, 1987Luca uses his influence to persuade the owner of Palladium, the largest casin...
20. Top of the World
Aired: Mar 6, 1987Luca's victory over the dropped case against him sends him into a downward sp...
21. Ground Zero
Aired: Mar 13, 1987Luca's world begins to crumble as his trusted friend Paulie turns against him...