1. My Absurd Skill Is Unexpectedly UsefulAired: Jan 10, 2023In the next episode, a mundane Japanese man named Tsuyoshi Mukouda becomes di...
2. The Salient Familiar Is a Living LegendAired: Jan 17, 2023Mukohda embarks on a culinary adventure by christening his new canine compani...
3. My Super Power Is All About CookingAired: Jan 24, 2023Mukohda embarks on a novice adventure, as Fel ventures out on a hunting exped...
4. Cannot Start the Journey Without a MapAired: Jan 31, 2023Mukohda narrowly escapes a perilous encounter with a goblin village, and subs...
5. The Goddess of Wind Has a Sweet ToothAired: Feb 7, 2023The next episode of the series will feature Ninrir, the wind goddess, enterin...
6. Growth Happens Out of NowhereAired: Feb 14, 2023Mukohda is coerced by Fel to venture into a perilous dungeon, where they must...
7. The Wolf Dances with MonstersAired: Feb 21, 2023A heated dispute erupts when Fel insists on taking a shortcut through Griffin...
8. All of the Boss Monsters Are TastyAired: Feb 28, 2023Mukohda's decision to renew his adventurer's guild membership sparks controve...
9. Hunting Quests Are All About Meat and MoneyAired: Mar 7, 2023The next episode follows Mukohda as they embark on a series of thrilling hunt...
10. My Two Familiars Are Too OverpoweredAired: Mar 15, 2023Ninir's fellow goddesses forge pacts with Mukohda to acquire his culinary cre...
11. Doing Business for the MissusAired: Mar 22, 2023Mukohda embarks on a perilous journey to rescue a ravaged city from the deadl...
12. Adventures Are as Countless as Varieties of FoodAired: Mar 29, 2023Mukohda and his familiars bask in the town's admiration after effortlessly de...