1. Uruguay: Half David, Half Goliath
Aired: Aug 1, 2018The drama unfolds as the underdog Uruguayan team makes a stunning comeback, d...
The thrilling conclusion to the 2022 FIFA World Cup sees Brazil emerge victorious, defeating their opponents in a nail-biting finale that will be etched in the memories of fans worldwide.
1. Uruguay: Half David, Half Goliath
Aired: Aug 1, 2018The drama unfolds as the underdog Uruguayan team makes a stunning comeback, d...
The next episode of the popular sports documentary series will explore the th...
The thrilling conclusion to the 2014 World Cup saw Germany emerge victorious,...
The thrilling conclusion to the 2022 FIFA World Cup sees Brazil emerge victor...
5. England: You Only Win Once?
Aired: Aug 1, 2018As the tournament comes to a close, the Three Lions of England make history b...
6. Argentina: The Hand of Fate?
Aired: Aug 1, 2018The thrilling finale of the 2022 World Cup saw Argentina emerge victorious, d...
7. France: A Date with History
Aired: Aug 1, 2018"The thrilling conclusion to the 2018 FIFA World Cup as France emerges victor...
The story of Spain's national soccer team, "La Roja", unfolds through the per...
In the next episode, the players face a new challenge as they prepare for the...
Network: Netflix
Production Country: United States
Genres:Sport, Documentary