Tenchi becomes stranded in the woods outside Junai Academy, leading to intens...
Ai Tenchi Muyo!
Season 1 Episode 21: Beautiful Feast
The Student Council and Science Club take center stage, revealing that beauty is a competitive game for adults.
The Student Council and Science Club take center stage, revealing that beauty is a competitive game for adults.
Tenchi becomes stranded in the woods outside Junai Academy, leading to intens...
Tenchi is given a school tour by Student Council President Momo Kawanagare, a...
Tenchi is sent back in time by Washu to assist a lost young girl, triggering ...
Tenchi discovers the intense rivalry between the Student Council and the Scie...
Tenchi flees the student council and seeks a secluded spot to retrieve his cl...
The Science Club is disrupted by the council, who reveal a hidden excavation ...
Tenchi returns home and takes a brief respite from his adventures, spending t...
Tenchi and young Momo stumble upon a group of familiar-looking villagers, acc...
Tenchi, a young assistant teacher, is recognized by Ms. Kurihara for his pote...
As the mystery deepens, the group discovers a hidden bunker beneath the city,...
Tenchi and Hachiko embark on a perilous adventure through a cavernous warehou...
12. Friend and Foe Stuck in the Same Boat
Aired: Oct 23, 2014A duo of formidable warriors, Hachiko and Kinojo, find themselves trapped in ...
Beni and Hachiko are temporarily restored to health by using a broom as a mak...
The school is about to welcome a new face, a transfer student, while Ryoko sh...
In the next episode, the stakes will be higher as the characters navigate tre...
Tenchi Masaki, a ponytailed hero, embarks on a new adventure as an assistant ...
A new transfer student is joining the school's student body, while Ryoko show...
A burst of inflated egos catapults Tenchi into a pivotal part in Hachiko's th...
Tenchi, a ponytailed hero, faces challenging terrain and perplexing situation...
The next four episodes will continue to explore the complex relationships bet...
The Student Council and Science Club take center stage, revealing that beauty...
Saryu arrives with an unexpected demand, while the school's factions gear up ...
The excitement builds as the Student Council prepares for Sports Day, while M...
Goriki's sudden arrival sends the initial challenge into chaos, but the Stude...
The next four episodes of the series will explore the consequences of the rec...
26. The Great Mock Calvalry Battle
Aired: Nov 10, 2014The Science Club is determined to even the score with Goriki, and they're not...
As tensions ease, Saryu arrives with an unexpected proposal, while the school...
Tenchi and Momo's moment of mutual admiration is brief, as a new challenge lo...
29. Dorm Supervisor Inauguration
Aired: Nov 13, 2014The arrival of Goriki disrupts the initial challenge, but the Student Council...
The next episode installment, titled "Rise and Fall," sets the stage for a dr...
The Science Club, led by Washu, bravely defends against the attackers, while ...
32. No Need for a Midnight Snack
Aired: Nov 18, 2014Tenchi uncovers hidden secrets during a covert ramen gathering, where he disc...
The truth about Young Momo's connection to Kinojo is finally revealed, and Te...
Kinojo and Tenchi engage in a tense and emotional conversation, while Momo at...
The next four episodes of the series will delve into the mysterious world of ...
A cookout turns into a day of truce and relaxation for everyone as Tenchi rec...
37. Where Tenchi's Mission Began
Aired: Nov 25, 2014Tenchi returns to the present with unfinished business to attend to, and he a...
The next episode will see Washu and the Science Club valiantly defending them...
As Tenchi uncovers a suspicious lead about the Science Club's true motives, t...
The next thrilling installment of the series will explore the aftermath of th...
The Science Club and their newfound partners engage in a strategic battle aga...
The Science Club discovers a crucial clue that explains the strange occurrenc...
Tenchi and his friends reunite with the Student Council, while the Science Cl...
The balance of power in the galaxy is threatened by Earth's developments, whi...
The upcoming episodes will delve into the aftermath of the recent revelations...
The Science Club's campaign takes a morally ambiguous turn as they exploit th...
47. Investigation of Seized Assets
Aired: Dec 9, 2014Tenchi and his friends join forces with the Science Club to search for a cove...
Momo's determination is unwavering, even in the face of catastrophic outcomes.
The presidential campaign heats up as Momo refocuses her energy and refuses t...
The next thrilling installment of the series will explore the consequences of...
The Student Council faces a tense confrontation with Ryoko and Ayeka, while t...
52. Arrival of the Space Menace
Aired: Dec 16, 2014Tenchi's discovery of the treasure reveals a surprising connection to his mis...
Tenchi and his friends reunite with the Student Council while the Science Clu...
Galactic powers are monitoring Earth's activities, while the Student Council ...
In the next episode, Momo is forced to make a gut-wrenching choice that will ...
The Science Club's campaign takes a morally ambiguous turn as they utilize th...
Tenchi's relentless pursuit of shadows reaches new heights, as Washu and her ...
Momo's determination remains unwavering, even as catastrophic outcomes loom. ...
The dimensional dance comes to a close for Tenchi, revealing a clear path to ...
60. Once in a Lifetime Encounter
Aired: Dec 26, 2014In the next episode, despite the constant flux in their lives, some aspects o...
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