Sequel to Nosotros los Pobres (1947). This time, Pepe "El Toro" (Infante) is married with "La Chorreada" (Pavon) and they have two children. Chachita (Munoz) knows her real grandma: Charito (Derba),a rich woman who takes Chachita away from Pepe and tries to convert her into a rich girl. El Pichi (Fernandez) and Chachita are inlove, but social differences take them apart. This time, tragedy overcomes when Pepe's son, El Torito (Giron) dies in a fire.
Ustedes, los ricos
Pepe "El Toro" and his wife "La Chorreada" are now a family of four, but their daughter Chachita's life takes a dramatic turn when her rich grandmother Charito discovers her and decides to take her away.