A young red-nosed reindeer, ostracized from the reindeer games due to his distinctive honker, joins forces with an elf who dreams of becoming a dentist and a prospector to embark on an adventure. Along the way, they encounter the Abominable Snowman and stumble upon a mystical island inhabited by misfit toys. Determined to help the toys, Rudolph sets out to convince Santa to assist them, only to find that the sleigh is grounded due to fog. However, Santa's gaze falls upon Rudolph, sparking a brilliant idea that will change the course of their journey.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph, a young reindeer, resides at the North Pole, where his father serves as one of Santa's reindeer. As a result, it is assumed that Rudolph will follow in his father's footsteps, but his unusual feature - a bright red nose - sets him apart and leads to his exclusion.