1. Dawn of the Nekross, Part 1Aired: Oct 29, 2012Tom Clarke, a 16-year-old wizard, is struggling to balance his magical abilit...
2. Dawn of the Nekross, Part 2Aired: Oct 30, 2012Tom and Benny enter Ursula's secret magic chamber, accompanied by Tom, and me...
3. Grazlax Attacks, Part 1Aired: Nov 5, 2012Next episode, Ursula and Randal attempt to protect earthly magic from outer s...
4. Grazlax Attacks, Part 2Aired: Nov 6, 2012The next episode's crisis escalates as a new wave of Grazlaa multiplies rapid...
5. Rebel Magic, Part 1Aired: Nov 12, 2012Tom, desperate to learn more exciting magic, befriends the older Jackson Hawk...
6. Rebel Magic, Part 2Aired: Nov 13, 2012Jackson convinces Tom to tap into his repressed magical abilities, leaving Va...
7. Friend or Foe, Part 1Aired: Nov 19, 2012In the next episode, Lexi, the Nekross king's daughter, disguises herself as ...
8. Friend or Foe, Part 2Aired: Nov 20, 2012Tom and Lexi are tasked by Gaunt to combine their powers to steal the Crown J...
9. Fall of the Nekross, Part OneAired: Nov 26, 2012Benny devises a plan to collect all the exobytes, which unfortunately involve...
10. Fall of the Nekross, Part TwoAired: Nov 27, 2012Benny's compassion for the Nekross prompts him to join Tom in using powerful ...
11. The Last Day, Part OneAired: Dec 3, 2012Tom is haunted by terrifying nightmares of his mother's death, which occurred...
12. The Last Day, Part TwoAired: Dec 4, 2012The Nekross use extracted DNA from Helen's fight to create clones and recreat...