Felix finds himself in a precarious situation when he's seized by a demon but...
The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat
Season 1 Episode 18: Felix's Gold Score
During the gold rush, Felix must protect all the gold he has mined from bandits.
During the gold rush, Felix must protect all the gold he has mined from bandits.
Felix finds himself in a precarious situation when he's seized by a demon but...
Felix boards a mysterious train that whisks him away to a fantastical and sur...
In the next thrilling installment, Felix stumbles upon a shocking revelation:...
Felix visits an animation studio, where he encounters his computer-animated s...
Felix embarks on a journey to Mars, tricked into joining a Martian task force...
At a lively carnival, Felix's Magic Bag of Tricks becomes the target of the n...
Felix becomes trapped in a movie screen, causing chaos in a series of cinemat...
In the next episode, Felix and Roscoe find themselves in a bizarre predicamen...
The mystical Bermuda Triangle manifests in Manhattan, unleashing chaos as it ...
Detective Shamus T. Goldcrow is on a mission to crack a baffling case, but he...
Felix and Sheba stumble upon a mysterious book of magic spells while cleaning...
Felix, a skilled harmonica player, and his companion Sheba, are transported t...
On Halloween night, Felix is dragged into a cult of multiple people wearing b...
Felix and Sheba are trapped in a board game after the latter states that she ...
It's Sheba's birthday and Felix gives her two tickets to a New York Giants ga...
Felix attends a nightclub that is themed after Noah's Ark, including the heav...
During the gold rush, Felix must protect all the gold he has mined from bandits.
Felix takes Sheba to watch a game of the New York Giants on her birthday, but...
While Felix is exploring outer space, he sees that the Earth has been stolen ...
Detective Goldcrow and Felix investigate a case where a crazy fashion designe...
When Felix tries to sleep inside of a video rental store, he ends up inside s...
Felix must help an anthropomorphic lightning bolt return to the sky during a ...