Genkiis a young boy with an ordinary, dull life. That is, until he gets a new...
Monster Rancher
Season 1 Episode 8: After the Rain
Stuck under a bridge while waiting out a heavy rainstorm, Holly tells the others of her past.
Stuck under a bridge while waiting out a heavy rainstorm, Holly tells the others of her past.
Genkiis a young boy with an ordinary, dull life. That is, until he gets a new...
Genki, Mocchi, Holly, and Suezo continue on their trek. Genki is concerned, h...
Genki and friends come across an "enigma", a Golem that does not like to figh...
Genki and his friends encounter Alan, a young boy who is strict and cruel to ...
Genki and his friends come across a group of bandits in the desert, led by Ti...
Genki and his friends reach a town with a giant coliseum! Tiger battles Hare,...
Continuing on their journey, Genki and the others arrive at a village close t...
Stuck under a bridge while waiting out a heavy rainstorm, Holly tells the oth...
Arriving at what seems to be a bottomless pit called "Heaven Canyon", Genki a...
Continuing their journey in the "Iron Bird", Genki and the others arrive on t...
Genki and Mocchi must try to save Holly and the others from Pixie's enslaveme...
Genki and the gang discover a Mystery Disc that unlocks a Monol. Monol procee...
Before the gang can start a search for another Mystery Disk, Suezo sees Moo's...
With the help of Vulcan and the Pirate Dragons, Genki and the gang head towar...
Holly's Magic Stone points Genki and the others across ocean. When looking fo...
Aboard Horn's ship, our heroes travel across the ocean, much to Golem's disma...
Now back on land, the gang continue their search for The Phoenix. At Hare's u...
Continuing on their journey, Genki and the others find parts to a Henger and ...
Suezo has always been happy to let others do the fighting for him. But, his f...
Pixie returns, and helps Genki in a battle against a group of Scale Jells. Bu...
The Searchers finally confront Gali, the second of Moo's Big Four. Gali is bo...
The Searchers are attacked by the Black Worms, who are under Gray Wolf's comm...
While wandering through a hude, dark forest, the Searchers are captured by a ...
The Searchers come across a small, quiet lake in the forest. They decide to r...
When Genki and his friends are chased into an Arena by an army of Salamanders...
While running from a squad of creatures called JaggerNauts, Genki and the oth...
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