Tyrannis struggles to maintain his composure as he develops a crush on a visi...
A group of humans, gods, and monsters try to establish a world's first city without resorting to violence.
A group of humans, gods, and monsters try to establish a world's first city without resorting to violence.
Tyrannis struggles to maintain his composure as he develops a crush on a visi...
A hunting mishap by Tyrannis inadvertently brings the Norse gods to Olympus, ...
Stupendous embarks on a journey to the underworld to reconnect with her forme...
The townsfolk struggle to comprehend the mounting garbage, but Tyrannis finds...
In the next episode, Tyrannis finds himself trapped in a mysterious time loop...
6. National Lampoon's The Odyssey!
Aired: Nov 10, 2024The family embarks on a celebration-filled trip to Storgos to honor Shlub's m...
7. Ty Man Woman Table Chairs Food
Aired: Nov 24, 2024Tyrannis and Hippocampus start a restaurant to get Krapopolis on the newly-in...
Part of Shlub is sick and the family might have to operate on themselves to s...
There's a new king in town - the Rug King. Horrible timing for a prophecy for...
Main Cast
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