Five space explorers return to Earth in 1999 after their last mission, only to discover that humanity had been wiped out by World War III during their absence. Captured by the Galra Empire while on Altea, they manage to escape and journey back to Earth. Princess Fala, who is 16 years old and a ruler of planet Altea, recruits them as pilots for GoLion, a long-dormant robot. The princess and her team must defend the planet from the Galra Empire's attacks.
Hyakujû-ô Goraion
Five ex-slaves successfully evade the oppressive rule of the evil Galra empire, ultimately arriving on the serene planet of Altea. They are tasked with piloting the ancient Golion robot and defending Altea against the malevolent ruler of the Galra Empire, Daibazaal, and his overwhelming army.