Noah and Emma, along with their mother, visit their family's cottage on Whidbey Island while their father works. The siblings find a mysterious box of toys and hidden treasures, including a talking stuffed rabbit named Mimzy. As they keep their discoveries secret, they develop extraordinary abilities, becoming geniuses overnight. Their father is thrilled when Noah's inventions impress a science fair, and a teacher and his mystic wife take notice. However, things take a turn when Noah accidentally activates a powerful device, causing a blackout and leading to an FBI investigation. The family must unravel the mystery and send Mimzy back to the future before it's too late.
The Last Mimzy
A brother and sister discover a mystical box of toys, unleashing their extraordinary abilities. As the siblings, their family, and even their teacher become entangled in a bizarre new reality, they face a crucial mission that surpasses their wildest imagination.