The third installment in the series follows an older woman, her younger husband, and their grown-up kids as they prepare for their daughter's wedding. However, a financial mix-up threatens to derail the celebration, leaving the family scrambling to find a new venue, a new dress, and a new caterer. Amidst the chaos, the bride and her friends have the time of their lives at a raucous bachelor party, turning what could have been a disastrous situation into an unforgettable adventure.
Info about Mother of the Bride
Studio(s): Joel Fields Productions, Leonard Hill Films
Originally Released: United States, Feb 27, 1993
Production Country: United States
Mother of the Bride: Where to Watch Online in Australia?
Currently you are able to watch "Mother of the Bride" for free with ads on Tubi TV. It is also possible to rent or buy on Amazon online.