The film explores the life of black-American Chiron across three time periods, from adolescence to young adulthood. As a shy and withdrawn child, Chiron faces bullying and neglect from his crack-addicted mother, who prioritizes her own desires over his well-being. Despite this, he finds solace in his Cuban-American friend Kevin and the guidance of a neighborhood drug dealer named Juan, who recognizes Chiron's struggles and offers wisdom.
Main Cast
Moonlight Videos
How Black Cinema Shaped Barry Jenkins' MOONLIGHT
"Moonlight" wins Best Picture | 89th Oscars (2017)
"Moonlight" wins Best Adapted Screenplay | 89th Oscars (2017)
Mahershala Ali wins Best Supporting Actor | 89th Oscars (2017)
Info about Moonlight
Studio(s): A24, Plan B Entertainment
Originally Released: Australia, Jan 26, 2017
Production Country: United States
Box Office Gross: $65,336,603.00
Budget: $1,500,000.00