Famous composer Alberto Medina's life takes an unexpected turn when his car breaks down on a rural road. Seeking help, he stumbles upon the Valverde family's home, where he's warmly received by Emilia, a mother known for her kindness to strangers. However, her family is less than thrilled about the sudden guest, as a previous unfortunate event has left a bad taste in their mouths. As Alberto navigates the complexities of family dynamics, he wins over their respect through his charm and talent. Along the way, he forms a special bond with the beautiful Susana, the family's eldest daughter, and their connection blossoms into romance.
Escuela de vagabundos
Alberto Medina, a renowned composer, finds himself stranded on a field trip after his car runs out of gas and takes a detour down a hill. Seeking assistance, he stumbles upon the Valverde family's residence, where he is warmly welcomed by Emilia, the mother, who is notable for her exceptiona...