Erotique background


A thought-provoking anthology film featuring four women directors, exploring themes of sexuality through a series of vignettes. The first segment, "Let's Talk About Sex," follows an aspiring actress who moonlights as a phone-sex operator, growing disillusioned with the repetitive n...

An anthology film explores sexuality through the perspectives of three women filmmakers. The first segment, "Let's Talk About Sex", follows an aspiring actress working as a phone-sex operator who yearns for someone to share her own desires with. The second segment, "Taboo Palor", tells the story of two lesbians who surprise a man they pick up for sex with a unique and unforgettable experience. In the final segment, "Wonton Soup", an Australian-Chinese man attempts to reignite his romance with a Chinese woman by revisiting their cultural heritage in both the kitchen and the bedroom.

Info about Erotique

Studio(s): Tedpoly Films, Nova Era Produções de Arte Ltda.

Originally Released: United States, May 14, 1994

Production Countries: Germany, United States, Brazil, Hong Kong
