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Dot and the Bunny

In this heartwarming adventure, a young girl named Dot embarks on a quest to find a lost joey, promising its distraught mother that she will bring it back. Unbeknownst to Dot, a rabbit overhears her promise and decides to impersonate a kangaroo, hoping to find a mother of his own. As they travers...

In this heartwarming adventure, a young girl named Dot sets out to find a lost joey, promising its anxious mother she will bring it back home. Along the way, she meets an orphaned rabbit who, desperate for a mother figure, disguises himself as a kangaroo. Together, they embark on a thrilling journey through the Australian outback, discovering a fascinating array of animals and forming an unforgettable bond.

Info about Dot and the Bunny

Studio(s): Yoram Gross Films

Originally Released: Australia, Apr 03, 1983

Production Country: Australia

Genres:Animation, Family, Fantasy

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