In the series Urusei Yatsura, aliens from the planet Oniboshi invade Earth, demanding that Earth's champion defeat their champion in a game of tag within a ten-day time limit. The selected champion, Ataru Moroboshi, a Japanese teenager with a strong libido, is initially thrilled to chase the beautiful and flying Lum, the alien competitor. However, when he discovers Lum's ability to fly, his attitude changes. As the stakes rise, Ataru's girlfriend Shinobu offers to marry him if he succeeds, and on the last day, he catches Lum, declaring his intention to marry. Lum misunderstands this as a proposal and agrees, becoming smitten with Ataru.
1. I'm Lum-chan the Notorious/It's Raining Oil in Our Town
Aired: Oct 14, 1981Ataru has been randomly selected from Earth's population to face Lum Invader ...