The McStays, a typical family residing in Fallbrook, California, owned and operated a small business providing water fountains. Their two children, Gianni aged 4 and Joseph Jr., who were both adorable and loving, disappeared mysteriously on February 10th, 2010. Upon returning home, they found their eggs left out on the counter and bowls of popcorn scattered on the family room couch, with no signs that they had been fed or watered. After several days without a clue as to what happened, their SUV was discovered abandoned in a parking lot near the US/Mexican border. A few days later, law enforcement uncovered CCTV footage showing a group of four people crossing the border at night. However, it remained unclear if these individuals were indeed the McStays or if there had been some sort of abduction or other sinister event preventing them from returning home and continuing their lives as they once did.
Chase Merritt stands trial for his life in the murder of the McStay family.