A grand hotel falling into decay, two women with secrets, and a dangerous political situation on the brink of boiling over: these intriguing elements combine in this gripping drama from the producer of The Irish R.M. In 1919, Major Brendan Archer arrives in Ireland to reunite with his fiancée, Angela Spencer. Unfortunately, their family home, The Majestic Hotel, is a decaying shadow of its former self. Archer's attentions are soon drawn to her lively friend, Sarah Devlin, a passionate Irish Nationalist. They fall in love but the Major soon discovers disturbing aspects about their relationship that threaten to explode into violence, destruction, and murder.
A grand hotel falling into disrepair, two enigmatic women harboring dark secrets, and an impending political crisis on the brink of violence - these captivating themes come together in this thrilling drama produced by the acclaimed creator of "The Irish Room." Set in 1919...