O'Brien babysits the daughter of a client recently released from prison while...
The Trials of O'Brien
A flamboyant, Shakespeare-quoting NYC defense attorney frequently finds themselves in legal troubles.
A flamboyant, Shakespeare-quoting NYC defense attorney frequently finds themselves in legal troubles.
O'Brien babysits the daughter of a client recently released from prison while...
2. Bargain Day on the Street of Regret
Aired: Sep 25, 1965O'Brien wins a boxer in a craps game but is less than thrilled when he finds ...
3. Notes on a Spanish Prisoner
Aired: Oct 2, 1965No one believes Oliver Maxwell, an amiable but convicted confidence trickster...
4. Never Bet on Anything That Talks
Aired: Oct 9, 1965O'Brien's English bookie is charged with the death of an accountant, but the ...
After discovering that a man is dating his ex-wife, O'Brien delightedly sets ...
A woman is accused of murdering her husband and retains O'Brien to defend her.
O'Brien acts as a middleman between a Presbyterian youth center and a strip b...
O'Brien investigates the death of a partner in the Seventh Avenue Dress House...
9. How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?
Aired: Nov 13, 1965A "heist artist" who is accused of fatally stabbing a dealer of rare violins ...
10. Charlie's Got All the Luck
Aired: Nov 20, 1965O'Brien becomes tangled up with a dangerous bookie and a dysfunctional family...
Glen Daley Claude Akins arrives from Oklahoma at Port Authority Terminal in N...
A burlesque comedian is involved in murder when his straight man is killed af...
Is Judge Vincent becoming senile? He hires O'Brien to prove he isn't.
O'Brien tries to have a will declared invalid before three greedy heirs kill ...
A foster father, who is content to keep collecting welfare checks, hires O'Br...
O'Brien charges that an assistant district attorney failed to prosecute a bro...
O'Brien represents a spiritualist in the murder of a wealthy client whose dea...
Held as a hostage in a jailbreak, O'Brien is asked to take a prisoner's compl...
O'Brien suffers a broken leg in a hit-and-run accident. Writer James Partridg...
O'Brien is blackmailed into helping the Macedonian government negotiate the r...
As the thieves start getting killed off one by one, O'Brien becomes the prime...
Taking the bench as an interim judge, O'Brien deals with the case of a seaman...
Main Cast
Current Status: Ended
Network: CBS
Production Country: United States