The Newtown Girls background

The Newtown Girls

Scarlet, a young woman seeking her first genuine romance in the vibrant queer community of Newtown, yearns to discover exactly what love means to her. In "The Newtown Girls," a groundbreaking ten-part dramedy series, Scarlet embarks on an emotional journey to uncover her true desires an...

Scarlet embarks on a quest to find true love within the quirky queer community of Newtown. In the 10-episode dramedy web series "The Newtown Girls," Scarlet must navigate dating dramas to uncover her authentic soulmate. After years away, she returns to confront typical lesbian obstacles—past girlfriends, fashion mishaps, romantic advances from authority figures, and a complicated relationship with longtime friend Alex. Will Scarlet discover what she's looking for or lose everything by pretending to be someone else?


Episode 1


Aired: Mar 13, 2012

Info about The Newtown Girls
