In the premiere episode, Bishop and Cole uncover disparate pieces of evidence...
The Evidence
A renowned detective, Sean Cole, is plagued by the unsolved murder of his wife, a traumatic event that continues to haunt him.
A renowned detective, Sean Cole, is plagued by the unsolved murder of his wife, a traumatic event that continues to haunt him.
In the premiere episode, Bishop and Cole uncover disparate pieces of evidence...
Cole and Bishop try to solve the murder of a boxer who is found dead in an al...
After the death of her new husband, a woman discovers he had been concealing ...
Five friends, celebrating their sobriety together, are murdered.
The inspectors work to solve the murder of a Chinese-American businessman wit...
Bishop and Cole delve into why a man was murdered stealing a relatively inexp...
Bishop and Cole investigate the shooting of a paramedic, and Bishop does his ...
Bishop and Cole investigate the mysterious death of a DJ, and it leads them t...
Main Cast