Shirley background


The show follows Shirley Miller, a widow with three children, as she navigates a new life in a small town after leaving the big city. Struggling to make ends meet, she faces numerous challenges, including her children's reluctance to adjust to their new surroundings.

Shirley Miller, a widow with three children, relocates to a small town from a big city, struggling to make ends meet and adjusting to her new life. Her children are unhappy with the move, while her stepson Bill often clashes with her. Despite the challenges, Shirley finds support from her housekeeper Charlotte, handyman Dutch, and her friend Lew, whose relationship may hold more promise.


Episode 2 Hard Hat

2. Hard Hat

Aired: Nov 2, 1979

Shirley is met with resentment by her boss and the men working at the constru...

Episode 3 Son of a Gun

3. Son of a Gun

Aired: Nov 9, 1979

Shirley is unhappy when she learns that son Bill has discovered his father's ...

Episode 5 The One That Got Away

5. The One That Got Away

Aired: Nov 30, 1979

Bill's haughty mother wants him to leave Shirley and the family and live perm...

Episode 6 Play on Words

6. Play on Words

Aired: Dec 7, 1979

A student athlete disrupts substitute teacher Shirley's class and she is ange...

Episode 7 Twenty Years to Life

7. Twenty Years to Life

Aired: Dec 14, 1979

Shirley, while substitute teaching, flunks an elite athlete which keeps him b...

Episode 8 Twenty Years to Life

8. Twenty Years to Life

Aired: Dec 28, 1979

Shirley, while substitute teaching, flunks an elite athlete which keeps him b...

Episode 9 Separate Agendas

9. Separate Agendas

Aired: Dec 28, 1979

Debra does not trust the divorced man (Edward Winter) who is going out of his...

Episode 11 On the Skids

11. On the Skids

Aired: Nov 30, -1

After several times going out with Lew Armitrage Shirley realizes he has a dr...

Info about Shirley

Current Status: Ended

Network: NBC

Genres:Comedy, Drama