Shattered City: An Epic Two-Part Mini-Series A compelling Canadian history drama series that explores how a devastating incident during World War I became a symbol of global conflict and recounts Halifax's remarkable resurrection from destruction. In early December 1917, the Mont Blanc, carrying thousands of tons of TNT, collided with a Belgian relief ship in Halifax Harbour. The explosion killed over 2,000 people, injured nearly 9,000 more, and completely flattened two square kilometers of northern Halifax. The series follows one family, the Collins, as they search for their missing relatives amidst the ruins. They try to find Charlie, an Army captain, who is searching for his father, who was fatally injured in the explosion, along with his mother and other siblings. Later, Charlie becomes a lawyer defending the Mont Blanc's captain, Le Medec, and the harbor helmsman, Francis Mackay, in court. In essence, Shattered City captures the resilience of Halifax after this cataclysmic event.
Shattered City: The Halifax Explosion
A heart-wrenching tale of a devastating explosion that occurred at Halifax Harbour on December 6, 1917, during the early morning hours.