The new Mystery Incorporated team, consisting of Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby-Doo, live in Crystal Cove, a town famous for its supernatural occurrences and ghost sightings. Despite their parents' disapproval, the gang continues to solve mysteries, uncovering a dark secret hidden in Crystal Cove's past. They follow cryptic clues from "Mr. E" and delve into the legend of a cursed treasure, the Darrow family's secret history, and the unsolved case of the original Mystery Incorporated. Romantic entanglements threaten to tear the group apart, but they must work together to uncover the truth about the "Freak of Crystal Cove" and Mayor Fred Jones Sr.'s true identity. In the end, Fred finds his real parents, breaks his engagement with Daphne, and disbanded the team, leaving Shaggy and Scooby-Doo to start a new adventure.
1. Beware the Beast from Below
Aired: Jul 12, 2010The gang has to battle police and parental involvement while trying to solve ...