Ted Finch, a seasoned salvager with a deep appreciation for preserving history and valuable items, has taken charge of a brand new team dedicated to rescuing rare artifacts from the brink of destruction. This expert group is poised to become an integral part of the upcoming reality TV series, "Salvage Kings." Led by Ted's team, they will embark on thrilling adventures in various locations, including underwater dives, abandoned buildings, and treacherous terrains, all with the goal of recovering valuable items that have been overlooked for years. This season promises to be a high-energy chase, where viewers can expect an array of hidden treasures and rare finds that are bound to captivate their attention worldwide. Get ready for an exciting new chapter in "Salvage Kings," as Ted and his team face the test of time and nature's challenges to unearth forgotten relics and awe-inspiring discoveries.
Ted and Justin embark on an adventure to Market Village Mall in Markham, Onta...