The next show features a main storyline where Rocky and Bullwinkle clash with spies Boris and Natasha. The show also includes various other segments, such as "Fractured Fairy Tales", "Peabody's Improbable History" which follows smart dog Peabody and his boy Sherman as they travel through time in their back-to-the-past machine, "Adventures of Dudley Do-Right" where a Canadian Mountie named Dudley faces off against the evil Snidley, and "Aesop and Son" which presents an unusual retelling of famous fables.
1. Jet Fuel Formula/Bullwinkle's Ride or Goodbye, Dollink
Aired: Nov 19, 1959Rocky and Bullwinkle, 'Jet Fuel' Part 1; Fractured Fairy Tales 'Rapunzel'; Pe...