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Synopsis: Seth, an aspiring sorcerer hailing from the Pompo Hills region, shares his unique tale as a survivor among the few surviving wizards. Like other magical beings, he is "infected," one of the very rare individuals who managed to withstand the catastrophic impact of the Nemesis—c...

Synopsis: Seth, an aspiring sorcerer from Pompo Hills, is one of a few living beings who survived contact with the Nemesis--creatures that fall from the sky and contaminate everything they touch. As an infected, he wants to become a Hunter and fight against the Nemesis. Beyond mere monster hunting, Seth seeks out the Radiant, their presumed cradle, under the harsh scrutiny of the Inquisition. The Radiant is based on the French comic of the same name.


Episode 3 Tabidachinohi -Alma-

3. Tabidachinohi -Alma-

Aired: Oct 20, 2018

Seth's determination to destroy all Nemesis stems from his inability to accep...

Episode 20 Yochô -Sign-

20. Yochô -Sign-

Aired: Feb 16, 2019

Public trust in the Inquisition plummets following revelations of their wrong...

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Info about Radiant

Seasons: 2

Current Status: Ended

Network: NHK Educational TV

Production Country: Japan

Genres:Adventure, Animation, Fantasy

Radiant: Where to Watch Online in United States?

Currently you are able to watch "Radiant" for free with ads on Crunchyroll. It is also possible to rent or buy on AppleTV, Windows Store, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube online.