A cryptic marine creature is discovered lurking in the depths of a Vermont la...
Paranormal Declassified
Journalist Paul Beban unravels the most significant paranormal mysteries in history.
Journalist Paul Beban unravels the most significant paranormal mysteries in history.
A cryptic marine creature is discovered lurking in the depths of a Vermont la...
Paul delves into a mysterious phenomenon involving shape-shifting entities fr...
A team investigates a mysterious 60-year-old pattern of cattle mutilations on...
Paul Beban delves into the truth about extraterrestrial presence on Earth, un...
In the next episode, Paul Beban embarks on a journey into the Midwest woods, ...
Paul Beban delves into a mysterious wave of demonic occurrences in the United...
The COVID-19 pandemic unleashes a catastrophic chain of events, eerily mirror...
The next episode delves into the mysterious history of a US military program ...
Current Status: Returning Series
Network: Travel Channel
Production Country: United States