After losing his little sister to an incurable disease, world-renowned medical researcher Kanji Yakutani dedicated himself entirely to curing patients by inventing new medicines. After working himself to exhaustion at age 31, he wakes up as a 10-year-old child in medieval France as Falma, the son of the respected De Médicis family. In a world where divine arts exist and nobles can afford medical care, Falma realizes that his body is host to the guardian deity of medicine. With the ability to create and reduce medicines and instantly diagnose illnesses, he gradually gains recognition as a pharmacist despite being young. When he finally acquires a pharmacy of his own, Falma sets out to improve health care in the San Fleuve Empire by making it accessible to all.
1. A Reincarnated Pharmacologist and a Parallel World
Aired: Jul 10, 2022In the next episode, Farma de Médicis, a renowned pharmacologist, struggles t...