Tori Konrad, a single mother with her 14-year-old son Jake, operates a quiet horse-riding school outside the city. Recently, it has been infiltrated by teenagers, including Julia, an independent 16-year-old from Germany seeking shelter and recovery after her mother's recent death; Regina (now Reggie),who was previously expelled from multiple schools due to poor behavior and has no formal schooling; Vince, a rebellious teenager going through foster care for years without stable homes or horses; and Shane, a country boy transitioning from living in the stable to being an instructor and jack-of-all-trades. Despite their differences, they form a bond of trust and understanding as they navigate challenges together, with Regina's cautiousness balancing Julia's spontaneity, Shane's honesty counteracting Vince's street smarts, and Shane's hard work complementing Jake's carefree spirit.
German Julia doesn't have a very happy life at the moment. Her mother has di...