1. Aired: Mar 2, 2004Divorcee Lia is acting sister and her friends Beth and the sensible Kate nurs...
2. Aired: Mar 9, 2004Subject to an upcoming arranged marriage Anji feels guilty that her future hu...
3. Aired: Mar 16, 2004Lia is alarmed to learn that her ex-husband Al and his new partner Sally are ...
4. Aired: Mar 23, 2004Beth goes after Paul,a wealthy and handsome medic who is being headhunted for...
5. Aired: Mar 30, 2004The nurses feel sorry for new registrar Jane Salter,rumoured to be a Lesbian ...
6. Aired: Apr 6, 2004Paul is back as clinical services manager though his efforts to make life eas...
7. Aired: Apr 13, 2004A new registrar Willem,a Dutchman,insists on taking a holistic approach to pa...
8. Aired: Apr 20, 2004Anji is told by her prospective husband Ajesh that their arranged marriage is...
9. Aired: Apr 27, 2004Not having had sex since New Year's Eve 1999 Lia is keen to get back in the h...
10. Aired: May 4, 2004After Paul tears strips off McManus he is forced to choose between his wife a...